Fundraising Initiative for all MumNet Members and friends
Metro Mothers Network &
"To the Power of Friends"
join forces!
Support both children's mental health programs and MumNet through the Power of Friends !!
What’s it all about?
Metro Mothers Network has joined forces with "To The Power of Friends", a not-for-profit fundraising initiative that supports programs in children's mental health within the Toronto area.
"To the Power of Friends" offers a beautiful sterling silver snowflake pin that can be purchased for $20 through their website. When you wear a snowflake or give one to a friend, you celebrate the uniqueness of your friendships while contributing to programs in children's mental health. All proceeds (less manufacturing, shipping and handling costs) go directly to these programs.
During this holiday season, the folks at the "To the Power of Friends" have agreed to share the net proceeds on all pins purchased by friends and members of the Metro Mothers Network. 50% of these proceeds will go to MumNet and the other 50% will go to a children's mental health program. We think that this is a wonderful way to fundraise for ourselves while supporting a cause that is close to every Mum's heart - children's mental health. It's also a wonderful gift for the holidays!
"To The Power of Friends" was featured on the Savvy Mom website last fall and has raised over $7,000 to date.
How do I order?
1. Link to the "To the Power of Friends" website and click the "To Order" button.
2. Type in the number of pins that you would like to order.
3. Under the "To which charity would you like to see the proceeds of your purchase go?," click "Parents for Children's Mental Health."
4. Fill in your shipping details.
5. In the COMMENTS section, please type in "MUMNET" to identify our organization.
6. Click "Send Order" to finalize your purchase.
Please remember that it is very important that you type in "MUMNET" in the Comments section to identify MumNet as the recipient of half the proceeds!
Link to the "To the Power of Friends" website.
It will take only a few moments of your time to support two wonderful causes - plus have a beautiful pin to give as a gift or keep for yourself!
I have some more questions....
If you would like some more information about this initiative, you can email the Fundraising Director at: