MumNet & MumVet Fees 2015-2016

Members must pay for each term in full at the time of registration or at the time of pre-registration (for the Winter and Spring terms); fees can be paid online by credit card.

The annual member registration fee of $30 applies each session to all registrants including two group leaders. Returning members who satisfy the pre-registration requirements for Winter and Spring sessions do not have to pay the registration fee again. The fee is non-refundable and not applicable for subsidy.  This fee will be paid through Quick Enrollment.

Subsidy for term fees are available; please inquire at time of registration.

Fees Per Term: Fall 2015
(11 wks)

Week of
September 28th-
Week of
December 7th, 2015
Winter 2016
(10 wks)

Week of
January 4th-
Week of
March 7th, 2016
Spring 2016
(11 wks)

Week of
March 28th-
Week of
June 6th, 2016
With one or more children in childcare $253 $230 $253
With no children in childcare $176 $160 $176
With extra child
(not one's own)
add $93.50 add $85 add $93.50
Registration Fee $30 $30 $30

Group Leaders and Area Supervisors

  Fall 2015 Winter 2016 Spring 2016
With Children $115 $115 $115
Without Children $80 $80 $80
Registration Fee $30 $30 $30

Note: A maximum of TWO group leaders are allowed the discounted fee

Late start members – For Winter & Spring Terms

Use this chart to calculate the correct fees for new members registering part way through the term.

Weeks Remaining in Term With Children No Children
10 weeks $230 $160
9 weeks $207 $144
8 weeks $184 $128
7 weeks $161 $112

Refund Policy

Refunds will not be given for sessions missed.

A member may request a refund if she wishes to withdraw from the program before the third session. A written request must be given to the who will calculate the amount of the refund based on the number of sessions remaining in the term. A $25 administration fee is deducted from the refund; the $30 annual member registration fee is not refundable.

Members should allow at least four (4) weeks for the refund to be processed.

In the event of a meeting cancellation, every effort will be made to schedule a make-up date at the end of the term. If no date is available, members will not receive a partial fee refund.

MumNet Locations

MumVet Locations

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