MumNet’s 25th Anniversary Gala


Our 25th Anniversary Gala was a huge success!

Women from across the city came together for an amazing night at Airship 37. From hair and makeup stylists to a hilarious comedian and exciting silent auction, everyone had a great night out, and we were able to raise over $18,000 for our beloved MumNet.

Fundraising for MumNet enables us to keep our fees low and our groups accessible for as many women as possible. We couldn’t have done it without the support of our event attendees, sponsors and volunteers. Thank you so much!

As our spring session comes to an end in a just a few weeks, it is wonderful to see the friendships that have been formed over the year. One mom commented, “After moving to a new neighbourhood where I didn’t know anyone, I would have been so lost if it weren’t for the friends I made in my group. It has truly made a difference for me to have the support of so many great women in my community”.

Most of our members hear about MumNet through word-of-mouth, so please take the time to let friends and neighbours know about how they can join a group too!


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Our next event is coming up on Tuesday June 7 at the Brickyard Grounds in the East End. Join us for an evening with image + style expert Tamara Glick of Trademark Image Consulting. Register here!

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